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Peacekeeping operation in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2020-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: peacekeepingpeacekeeping missionpeacekeepersting operationbanking operationbeekeepingsafekeepingtime keepingMeaning: n. the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations). 
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1. a military/peacekeeping operation.
2. Peace-keeping operations have also significantly changed in emphasis.
3. It still refuses to join peacekeeping operations in less harmonious countries.
4. Can the UN take on another onerous peacekeeping operation?
5. What is a UN peacekeeping operation?
6. The evolution of China's participation in the UN peacekeeping operation shows China as a big country has a clearly growing sense of responsibility for preserving world peace.
7. The psychological problems of peacekeepers caused by peacekeeping operation have been identified as one of the major reasons for non-combat attrition.
8. However[ operation.html], the nature and the fundamental principles of peacekeeping operation should not be changed because of its observance of Armed Conflict Law.
9. On the other hand, a peacekeeping operation alone cannot bring security to Darfur.
10. The United Nations Peacekeeping Operation(UNPKO) is the most important and successful approach to safeguard world peace and security.
11. The United Nations' Peacekeeping Operation is an important carrier of the UN's Collective Security Mechanism.
12. The number of United Nations peacekeeping operation is surged, the scale keeps expanding, and the function is increased.
13. The Peacekeeping Operation is revealing its new characteristics in the development of the new century, and gave the realistic basis to the innovation of the Peacekeeping Mechanism.
14. As peacekeeping operation established under Security Council authorization, there is no certain standard can be followed and all depending on Security Council authorized content.
15. For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.
16. The good sense in having communications that work is likely to lead to its services being gradually extended to all peacekeeping operations.
17. On top of those arrears, the United States owes roughly $ 726 million for peacekeeping operations.
18. Being one of the tasks of peacekeeping medical unit, management of medical equipment is throughout peacekeeping operation.
19. A story in the official "China Today" newspaper Wednesday said the government has vowed to send a "significant peacekeeping operation" to Somalia.
20. The first special session of the UN General Assembly discussed the question of Palestineand the first UN peacekeeping operation was a mission to the Middle Eastto supervise the ceasefire.
21. So it is of great significance for China to forecast the development of Japan's peacekeeping operation in the future by analyzing present one.
22. Once a truce is in place, the Security Council can deploy a peacekeeping operation to help the parties carry out their agreements.
23. French Defense Minister Herve Morin called the four - year - old peacekeeping operation a success.
24. We must put in place the complex and vital peacekeeping operation which you have authorized today," Ban said, calling on U.N. member states to "provide every support" to the Darfur mission.
25. China believes that member States should pay their assessed contributions in full and on time so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the peacekeeping operation.
More similar words: peacekeepingpeacekeeping missionpeacekeepersting operationbanking operationbeekeepingsafekeepingtime keepingtimekeepinghousekeepingkeep the peacekeepingbook-keepingbookkeepingrecord keepingin keeping withoperating instructionsoperationopen market operationoperationsout of keeping withoperationalin operationcooperationAND operationco-operationlacerationmacerationchief operating officermisoperation
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